Bartram Trail Conference

the Bartram Trail Conference Biennial Meeting

The State Botanical garden of Georgia

Athens, Georgia

October 13–15, 1995


Hotel registration, conference registration, and fellowship, University of Georgia Center for

Continuing Education


Registration: Callaway Building Auditorium

Bartram Exhibits: Callaway Atrium and Visitors’ Center/Conservatory—throughout the day at your leisure

 7:00–8:00  Breakfast: on your own
 9:00–11:15  Business Meeting, Bartram Trail Conference: Callaway BuildingAuditorium
 11:30–12:00  Dedication of Bartram Garden: International Garden
 12:00–1:30  Lunch: Garden Cafe at the Garden or on your own
 1:30–2:30  Tour of the International Garden
 2:30–3:00  “William Bartram’s Struggle for Vocation”—Mr. Lawrence Hetrick, Callaway Building Auditorium
 3:00–3:30   “A Sketch of the History of The Bartram trail Conference”—Mr. Elliott Edwards
 3:30–4:00  “Historic Bartram’s Garden, Philadelphia”—Ms. Martha Wolf
 4:00–6:00   Free Time—on your own
 6:00–  Evening Program and Banquet—Visitors’ Center/Conservatory
• “William Bartram on the Southeastern Indians”—Dr. Kathryn H. Braund
• “Unmarried Women on the Bartram Trail”—Ms. Bailey White
 9:00–10:00   Breakfast: Cecil B. Day Chapel Reception Hall or on your own
 10:00–11:00  William Bartram’s Reliance on God”—Mr. Burt Kornegay, Cecil B. Day Chapel
 11:00–11:15  Closing Remarks

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